
Start/Stop Fess Server

Start Fess Server

Using ZIP package

For Windows environment, double-click the fess.bat file in the bin folder to start Fess. For Unix environments, run fess to start Fess.

$ ./bin/fess

Using RPM package

Start elasticsearch before Fess,

$ sudo service elasticsearch start

and then start Fess service.

$ sudo service fess start

Access To Browser UI

Fess is available at http://localhost:8080/.

Administration UI is http://localhost:8080/admin. The default administrator account is admin/admin as username/password. In User page on administration UI, you can change the password.

Stop Fess Server

Using ZIP package

To stop Fess server, kill the process of Fess.

Using RPM package

To stop Fess service, run the following command.

$ sudo service fess stop