


Fess can be available in these environments.

  • OS: Windows/Unix with Java environment

  • Java: Java 8 update 20 or later

If Java is not installed in your environment, see we want to Fess from Oracle site to install JDK.


Download the latest Fess package from the release site,


Using ZIP package

Unzip the downloaded fess-<version>.zip. For UNIX environment, run the following command:

$ unzip fess-<version>.zip
$ cd fess-<version>

Using RPM package

You need to install elasticsearch RPM package before Fess installation. Download elasticsearch RPM package from elasticsearch site, and then install the package.

$ sudo rpm -ivh elasticsearch-<version>.rpm

To access from Fess, the following configuration needs to be added to /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml

configsync.config_path: /var/lib/elasticsearch/config
script.engine.groovy.inline.update: on

Next, install Fess RPM package.

$ sudo rpm -ivh fess-<version>.rpm

Fess provides elasticsearch plugins to extend elasticsearch’s features for Fess. Install them to plugins directory in elasticsearch.

$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-analysis-kuromoji-neologd/2.1.1
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-analysis-ja/2.1.2
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-analysis-synonym/2.1.1
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-configsync/2.1.2
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-dataformat/2.1.1
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install org.codelibs/elasticsearch-langfield/2.1.3
$ /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin install

To register them as a service, run the following commands if using chkconfig,

$ sudo /sbin/chkconfig --add elasticsearch
$ sudo /sbin/chkconfig --add fess

For systemd,

$ sudo /bin/systemctl daemon-reload
$ sudo /bin/systemctl enable elasticsearch.service
$ sudo /bin/systemctl enable fess.service