============================================================ Open source full-text search server - ads-project assistance ============================================================ This page is generated by Machine Translation from Japanese. Project support (donations) =========================== The management of the project `N2SM, Inc.... `__ From the subject to support. We received contribution of advertising to raise awareness of the |Fess| . |Fess| , for many people seeking donations support projects. |image0| Project assistance money paid will utilize as a cost of advertising such as AdWords. Contact us on project support, such as receipt\ `Click here `__\ To contact us please. On site advertising =================== In the |Fess| project site on AdSense ads. Income generated through AdSense will |Fess| awareness and to disseminate will invest in AdWords intact as advertising expenses. Please take a look at AdSense in addition to you have any good ideas about the spread of the |Fess| ,. .. |image0| image:: https://www.paypalobjects.com/ja_JP/i/scr/pixel.gif