
File size you want to crawl settings

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How to set file size

You can specify the file size limit crawl of Fess . In the default HTML file is 2.5 MB, otherwise handles up to 10 m bytes. Edit the webapps/fess/WEB-INF/classes/s2robot_contentlength.dicon if you want to change the file size handling. Standard s2robot_contentlength.dicon is as follows.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE components PUBLIC "-//SEASAR//DTD S2Container 2.4//EN"
        <component name="contentLengthHelper"
            class="org.seasar.robot.helper.ContentLengthHelper" instance="singleton" >
                <property name="defaultMaxLength">10485760L</property><!-- 10M -->
                <initMethod name="addMaxLength">
                        <arg>2621440L</arg><!-- 2.5M -->

Change the value of Defultmxlength if you want to change the default value. Dealing with file size can be specified for each content type. Describes the maximum file size to handle text/HTML and HTML files.

Note the amount of heap memory to use when changing the maximum allowed file size handling. About how to set upMemory-relatedPlease see the.